Chemigrams: A mix between intention and chance
Obscura Darkroom presents the closing reception of Kasia Skorynkiewicz's large-scale Chemigrams
Thursday, June 27th 6pm-9pm 50-60 Dickerson Street, Newark, NJ

Some of the discarded objects that I use to create these chemigrams are used packing supplies like cardboard, bubble wrap, tape, plastic bags, and many more. As well as common everyday materials such as oil spray, peanut butter, glue, shaving cream, and many others.
I use these types of materials to create a resist on photographic paper. The paper is exposed to light with a variety of these resists and then is placed into photographic chemicals to create a chemical reaction. There's no end to experimentation with each chemigram being different from the next one and can never be replicated. As in my other artwork, the use of discarded objects plays on that idea of objects existing, serving a purpose, then being discarded, and seizing to exist. I'm also interested in the ephemeral nature of the process and the unknowns that become realized.
I believe that art is an experience and not just an object. These large chemigrams need to be experienced in real life. Photographs don't do them justice.

Installation shots

Chemigrams #3 – 20”x 24”

Chemigrams #5 – 20”x 24”

Detail of Chemigram #5

Chemigrams #13 – 20”x 20”

Detail of Chemigram #13

Chemigrams #8 – 20”x 24”

Detail of Chemigram #8

Chemigrams #10 – 20”x 24”